Thursday, November 3, 2011

Starbucks on North New Braunfels

The best thing about Starbucks is how much every barista elitist elsewhere hates them for one reason or other.  When living in Austin, I had the barista at Book People (great place to find The Face Value Blues) tell me, "ordering espresso from Starbucks is like ordering Filet Mignon from McDonalds."

Filet.  Mig... never mind.

Say what you will about Starbucks, but the service is always friendly, fast, and patient - so much so that the only people groaning at the bored housewife's requests of "not too hot" and "two packets of Equal" are the people standing in line behind her.  And, as much as I love Jim's, when's the last time you got your coffee in thirty seconds?


Quick service, good coffee and drinks, and friendly faces, yes, but what should you expect when the coffee hits?

Again with the kick plate?
Just your standard door.  Solid and clean, yes, but why does it have the guy in the wheelchair on the sign?  I know the inside passed ADA requirements and what not, but how's a guy in a wheelchair supposed to get the door open?  IT PULLS!

Like an earthquake just hit.
Upon first view, it looks like a work of art - abstract art.  The toilet paper holder is skewed, and the stark whiteness of the can itself was an overbearing contrast to the multicolored tile choices of black, light gray, dark gray, and... tan.  Not light tan, but George Hamil-tan.  (What's up?)  And, ooh!  Lookie here...

That's... not... TOILET PAPER!
Yes, I know that this is definite "Ew" territory, but I don't want to hear about how disgusting this section of a public bathroom can be.  I used to clean bathrooms for a living, and this is NOTHING.  All they've got to do is put on some rubber gloves, pick up these paper towels, and boil their hands bleach water.  That's it!  Easy, breezy.

Purple (Soap) Rain, Purple (Soap) Rain...
Leaky soap.  Soap leaking from a soap dispenser (duh!) is a common problem, thanks to our friends Gravity and Monday and Friday manufacturing days.  A seal breaks, some maniac cracks the hand pump, whatever.  This is more on the maker of the soap box than Starbucks, though it does look trashy.  Or... they may let the soap accumulate into a small puddle so they can mop the floor more easily, who knows?

White Guy Basketball
I hate this, and Starbucks gets another pass on the litter just peripheral to the trash can.  I'll never understand the D-bag who can't bother to make sure his used paper towels make their way into the trash can.  Probably the same dude who ripped out the two paper towels laying next to the toilet, but who am I, Encyclopedia Brown?

Not the best bathroom, but not enough to deter you from going here.  It still felt clean, and I may have just gone in after that bozo who was too good to pick up his mess.  Either way - and I've addressed this before - one commode to serve your entire coffee-drinking base shows a lack of foresight and is a bit disgruntling.   

Especially after 20 ounces of Pike's Place...

Two pucks.

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